Auctor intellectualis, multimedia artist, script writer, film director, author of works in the field of history, theory and workshop issues of digital media culture and art.
Reposytory Forgotten Dreams
Kinetic Images
DANCING AROUND THE BRIDE, (40X70 cm), 3D installation with digital graphics, limited edition 50.
For a long time, the aim of painters was to reflect the world around us more fully. The Renaissance added to flat paintings the illusion of a third dimension - depth. Palladio and his painters made the space of the painting seemingly out in front of its frame.
The images presented here, in addition to the above advantages, contain the illusion of movement. They give a fuller sense of spatiality by adding the possibility of interactive change by the viewer of the viewing angle of the image space. It is accompanied by the impression of movement in the picture, which makes these projects one of the manifestations of kinetic art.
The driving force behind the phenomenon of the illusion of movement lies beyond the image itself. It is hidden in the qualities of the human mind. It is the mind that creates the optical illusion of image movement, as a result of the collision of the visual perception of a static image with human knowledge about the everyday experience of the world around us.
FORTUNE, (40X70 cm), 3D installation with digital graphics, limited edition 50.
FIND A GOAL, (40X70 cm), 3D installation with digital graphics, limited edition 50.
ELEVATOR KEY, (40X70 cm), 3D installation with digital graphics, limited edition 50.
MAGIC EYE, (40X70 cm), 3D installation with digital graphics, limited edition 50.
MELANCHOLY, (40X70 cm), 3D installation with digital graphics, limited edition 50.
GAME, (40X70cm), 3D installation with digital graphics, limited edition 50.
THE TWO RAVENS, (40X70 cm), 3D installation with digital graphics, limited edition 50.